# Number Participant Country Year Team Group Time Points
201 1685 Anete Pirktiņa 🇱🇻 LAT 1997 Sportland SN20 00:53:13.0 +00:21:48.0 590
202 1001 Aigars Ozolins 🇱🇻 LAT 1978 VN40 00:53:15.0 +00:21:50.0 590
203 1206 Zane Bule-Mitka 🇱🇻 LAT 1982 Run With Anita SN40 00:53:16.0 +00:21:51.0 590
204 1122 Ance Daibe 🇱🇻 LAT 2009 SNJ 00:53:20.0 +00:21:55.0 589
205 1199 -Inga Važa 🇱🇻 LAT 1982 SN40 00:53:21.0 +00:21:56.0 589
206 1585 Kristīne Krista Zelmene 🇱🇻 LAT 1994 SN20 00:53:27.0 +00:22:02.0 588
207 1239 Liene Ulbina 🇱🇻 LAT 1983 SN40 00:53:33.0 +00:22:08.0 587
208 1376 Edgars Šmits 🇱🇻 LAT 1954 VN60 00:53:34.0 +00:22:09.0 586
209 1283 Jānis Gailums 🇱🇻 LAT 1977 VN40 00:53:36.0 +00:22:11.0 586
210 1392 Kārlis Vancovičs 🇱🇻 LAT 1997 Motum VN20 00:53:37.0 +00:22:12.0 586
211 1539 Oļegs Ivanovs 🇱🇻 LAT 1979 Ceram Optec VN40 00:53:47.0 +00:22:22.0 584
212 1493 Nikita Lobkov 🇱🇻 LAT 1991 VN30 00:53:49.0 +00:22:24.0 584
213 1256 Agris Vīnakmens 🇱🇻 LAT 1996 ASTARTE-NAFTA VN20 00:53:56.0 +00:22:31.0 583
214 1520 Andris Persidskis 🇱🇻 LAT 2011 VNJ 00:53:57.0 +00:22:32.0 582
215 1453 Agnese Runče 🇱🇻 LAT 1987 Run With Anita SN30 00:53:58.0 +00:22:33.0 582
216 1730 Aleksandrs Zujevs 🇱🇻 LAT 1980 Matisons runner's Club VN40 00:54:04.0 +00:22:39.0 581
217 1524 Pēteris Kļava 🇱🇻 LAT 1977 VN40 00:54:16.0 +00:22:51.0 579
218 1689 Oskars Popens 🇱🇻 LAT 1977 VN40 00:54:18.0 +00:22:53.0 579
219 1100 markuss laizāns 🇱🇻 LAT 2003 VN20 00:54:19.0 +00:22:54.0 578
220 1235 Dmitrijs Beļajevs 🇱🇻 LAT 1981 VN40 00:54:19.0 +00:22:54.0 578
221 1262 Gundega Pālēna - Prince 🇱🇻 LAT 1982 Vendor SN40 00:54:23.0 +00:22:58.0 578
222 1355 Igors Pisarevs 🇱🇻 LAT 1980 AS Olpha VN40 00:54:25.0 +00:23:00.0 577
223 1698 Māris Bērziņš 🇱🇻 LAT 1987 Sportland VN30 00:54:26.0 +00:23:01.0 577
224 1497 Laura Slisane 🇱🇻 LAT 1982 SN40 00:54:27.0 +00:23:02.0 577
225 1249 Alise Cunska 🇱🇻 LAT 1990 SN30 00:54:28.0 +00:23:03.0 577
226 1487 Evita Bauska 🇱🇻 LAT 1986 Selonia SN30 00:54:33.0 +00:23:08.0 576
227 1648 Ruslans Mamedovs 🇱🇻 LAT 1989 Daugavpils runners VN30 00:54:35.0 +00:23:10.0 576
228 1649 Vitālijs Žuselis 🇱🇻 LAT 1979 Daugavpils runners VN40 00:54:37.0 +00:23:12.0 575
229 1558 Mārtiņš Vilnītis 🇱🇻 LAT 1975 AKG Thermotechnik Lettland VN40 00:54:38.0 +00:23:13.0 575
230 1595 Lauma Rībena 🇱🇻 LAT 1992 Maratona klubs SN30 00:54:40.0 +00:23:15.0 575
231 1646 Kristina Markeviča 🇱🇻 LAT 1981 SEB SN40 00:54:41.0 +00:23:16.0 575
232 1647 Edgars Šalkovskis 🇱🇻 LAT 1977 VN40 00:54:43.0 +00:23:18.0 574
233 1703 Asnāte Damberga 🇱🇻 LAT 1989 Sportland SN30 00:54:46.0 +00:23:21.0 574
234 1739 Vladimirs Rimšāns 🇱🇻 LAT 1988 VN30 00:54:48.0 +00:23:23.0 573
235 1359 Anastasija Rjabuha 🇱🇻 LAT 1985 SN30 00:54:50.0 +00:23:25.0 573
236 1263 Mikus Bartuševics 🇱🇻 LAT 2012 VNJ 00:54:51.0 +00:23:26.0 573
237 1452 Edgars Šelders 🇱🇻 LAT 1989 VN30 00:54:52.0 +00:23:27.0 573
238 7068 Artūrs Vanags 🇱🇻 LAT 1995 VN20 00:54:56.0 +00:23:31.0 572
239 1735 Markuss Lapsiņš 🇱🇻 LAT 2004 Sportland VNJ 00:54:57.0 +00:23:32.0 572
240 1734 Līga Vērdina 🇱🇻 LAT 1986 Sportland SN30 00:54:57.0 +00:23:32.0 572
241 1490 Rolands Dobelis 🇱🇻 LAT 2004 VNJ 00:55:00.0 +00:23:35.0 571
242 1052 Aigars Elksnis 🇱🇻 LAT 2001 VN20 00:55:01.0 +00:23:36.0 571
243 1150 Gundars Pečaks 🇱🇻 LAT 1984 Džudo Saldus:) VN30 00:55:02.0 +00:23:37.0 571
244 1557 Mārtiņš Grise 🇱🇻 LAT 1990 AKG Thermotechnik Lettland VN30 00:55:03.0 +00:23:38.0 571
245 1078 Ilze Kronberga 🇱🇻 LAT 1980 SN40 00:55:06.0 +00:23:41.0 570
246 1243 Ilze Strode 🇱🇻 LAT 1965 SN50 00:55:06.0 +00:23:41.0 570
247 1328 Vineta Veisberga 🇱🇻 LAT 1971 Saldus Boksa klubs SN50 00:55:08.0 +00:23:43.0 570
248 1668 Edvards Pavļuts 🇱🇻 LAT 2006 Teku Taku VNJ 00:55:09.0 +00:23:44.0 570
249 7051 Laura Karīna Pizāne 🇱🇻 LAT 1997 SN20 00:55:09.0 +00:23:44.0 570
250 1451 Kaspars Mitka 🇱🇻 LAT 1980 VN40 00:55:10.0 +00:23:45.0 569
251 7052 Artis Krūze 🇱🇻 LAT 1977 VN40 00:55:14.0 +00:23:49.0 569
252 1421 Marija Terēze Dzierkale 🇱🇻 LAT 2000 SN20 00:55:22.0 +00:23:57.0 567
253 1117 Māris Ozols 🇱🇻 LAT 1986 Ozoli nelūzt. VN30 00:55:24.0 +00:23:59.0 567
254 7077 Atis Upenieks 🇺🇸 USA 1985 VN30 00:55:30.0 +00:24:05.0 566
255 1374 Maksims Martinsons 🇱🇻 LAT 1995 VN20 00:55:32.0 +00:24:07.0 566
256 7055 Sintija Makuha 🇱🇻 LAT 1992 SN30 00:55:33.0 +00:24:08.0 566
257 1461 Māris Muča 🇳🇴 NOR 1971 LBNB /Latviešu biedrība Norvēģijā Bergena/ VN50 00:55:34.0 +00:24:09.0 565
258 1188 Tatjana Šeršnova 🇱🇻 LAT 1981 SN40 00:55:34.0 +00:24:09.0 565
259 1578 Silvija Rudzika 🇱🇻 LAT 1991 RIGA RUN CLUB SN30 00:55:36.0 +00:24:11.0 565
260 1677 Baiba Bikoviča 🇱🇻 LAT 1982 Džudo Saldus:) SN40 00:55:38.0 +00:24:13.0 565
261 1020 Ingus Manfelds 🇱🇻 LAT 1978 VN40 00:55:41.0 +00:24:16.0 564
262 1556 Dainis Valeika 🇱🇻 LAT 1994 AKG Thermotechnik Lettland VN20 00:55:42.0 +00:24:17.0 564
263 1616 Gustavs Genavs 🇱🇻 LAT 2012 VNJ 00:55:46.0 +00:24:21.0 563
264 1366 Gints Frišfelds 🇱🇻 LAT 1966 VN50 00:55:47.0 +00:24:22.0 563
265 1157 Viesturs Zātiņš 🇱🇻 LAT 1989 Tavasriepas.lv VN30 00:55:48.0 +00:24:23.0 563
266 1496 Ģirts Jekimenko 🇱🇻 LAT 1990 Tavasriepas.lv VN30 00:55:48.0 +00:24:23.0 563
267 1248 Maira Krievāne 🇱🇻 LAT 1976 SN40 00:55:49.0 +00:24:24.0 563
268 1313 Kaspars Pumpurs 🇱🇻 LAT 1990 VN30 00:55:51.0 +00:24:26.0 563
269 1085 Irina Iļjina 🇱🇻 LAT 1987 SN30 00:55:51.0 +00:24:26.0 563
270 1618 Kārlis Mauriņš 🇱🇻 LAT 2012 Jelgavas Ledus Sporta Skola VNJ 00:55:52.0 +00:24:27.0 562
271 1597 Marģers Muzika 🇱🇻 LAT 1988 Maratona klubs VN30 00:55:52.0 +00:24:27.0 562
272 1414 Iveta Romule 🇱🇻 LAT 1987 SN30 00:56:00.0 +00:24:35.0 561
273 1326 Deniss Klagiss 🇱🇻 LAT 1993 VN30 00:56:01.0 +00:24:36.0 561
274 1650 Karīna Mamedova 🇱🇻 LAT 1991 Daugavpils runners SN30 00:56:02.0 +00:24:37.0 561
275 1589 Ingus Kaprāns 🇱🇻 LAT 1975 GREN VN40 00:56:04.0 +00:24:39.0 560
276 1565 Oskars Gasparovičs 🇱🇻 LAT 1979 Garoza VN40 00:56:05.0 +00:24:40.0 560
277 1218 Guntars Voicišs 🇱🇻 LAT 1995 VN20 00:56:07.0 +00:24:42.0 560
278 1097 Aija Jelisejeva 🇱🇻 LAT 1985 SN30 00:56:07.0 +00:24:42.0 560
279 1441 Leonīds Novikovs 🇱🇻 LAT 1989 VN30 00:56:08.0 +00:24:43.0 560
280 1724 Kristīne Poriete 🇱🇻 LAT 2001 Sports ikvienam SN20 00:56:12.0 +00:24:47.0 559
281 1609 Mareks Kreicbergs 🇱🇻 LAT 1979 VN40 00:56:13.0 +00:24:48.0 559
282 1424 uldis skrastins 🇱🇻 LAT 1972 VN50 00:56:15.0 +00:24:50.0 559
283 1299 Santa Luīza Korabļova 🇱🇻 LAT 1998 SN20 00:56:17.0 +00:24:52.0 558
284 1325 Renārs Veisbergs 🇱🇻 LAT 1990 VN30 00:56:17.0 +00:24:52.0 558
285 1378 Kims Čerkašins 🇱🇻 LAT 2002 VN20 00:56:17.0 +00:24:52.0 558
286 1099 sandis laizāns 🇱🇻 LAT 1977 VN40 00:56:20.0 +00:24:55.0 558
287 1357 Didzis Skārds 🇱🇻 LAT 1988 AS Olpha VN30 00:56:20.0 +00:24:55.0 558
288 1229 Samuel Bissonnette 🇨🇦 CAN 2013 VNJ 00:56:26.0 +00:25:01.0 557
289 1230 Francis Bissonnette 🇨🇦 CAN 1989 VN30 00:56:27.0 +00:25:02.0 557
290 1512 Kristīne Dakša-Junolainena 🇱🇻 LAT 1987 Juno Runners SN30 00:56:27.0 +00:25:02.0 557
291 1139 Dace Šķirus 🇱🇻 LAT 1981 SN40 00:56:27.0 +00:25:02.0 557
292 7079 Kaupo Maasing 🇪🇪 EST 1981 LHV VN40 00:56:29.0 +00:25:04.0 556
293 1572 Aija Renkule Upeniece 🇱🇻 LAT 1986 SN30 00:56:29.0 +00:25:04.0 556
294 1718 Dace Jankovska 🇱🇻 LAT 1986 SN30 00:56:32.0 +00:25:07.0 556
295 1640 Klāvs Dakstiņš 🇱🇻 LAT 1997 VN20 00:56:32.0 +00:25:07.0 556
296 1110 Viesturs Trukšis 🇱🇻 LAT 2007 VNJ 00:56:33.0 +00:25:08.0 556
297 1471 Sintija Gruškēvica 🇱🇻 LAT 1999 SN20 00:56:33.0 +00:25:08.0 556
298 1233 Diāna Ivanova 🇱🇻 LAT 1986 SN30 00:56:35.0 +00:25:10.0 555
299 1728 Natalija Zeņina 🇱🇻 LAT 1969 SN50 00:56:35.0 +00:25:10.0 555
300 1075 Tatjana Potrubeiko 🇱🇻 LAT 1990 SN30 00:56:45.0 +00:25:20.0 554