Izaicinājuma mērķis
Be active 30min everyday and get points for your activities
Pieļaujamie sporta veidi
Galvenie noteikumi
Servisi, ar ko var ierakstīt aktivitātes
Par izaicinājumu
It is important to be active every day. It doesn't matter if you walk, run, swim or ride a horse - You will receive one point for every day you have been active for at least 30 minutes. How many points can you receive during one month?
What to do to participate in this challenge?
- Switch on your sports app during your workout (and switch it off after)
- Be sure that GPS data is switched on
- Walk, run, ride a bike or do any other sport for at least 30 minutes (you can do more of course) at a place and time that suits you. Get one point for every active day
- Collect your active days during one month and keep up with your ranking among other participants during the challenge
You can do this!